Gander Gold Corp.

Featured Company / Gander Gold Corp.

Gander Gold Corp.

First there was Colwood in 1858. Then Cariboo followed by arguably the most famous of all, Klondike. Over the next four decades, Canada had at least four more significant gold rushes, all on the western side of the country. In the early twentieth century, discoveries spurred rushes moving east, including Red Lake in Ontario that lasted 70+ years through 1998. Canada’s next great rush is just getting underway, and it has the potential to be the biggest yet.

The location? Newfoundland. And just like thousands of miners looking to strike it rich flooded the other regions, a land grab is underway in the province, with some companies already securing prime property and starting to prove up resources in one of the top mining jurisdictions in the world.

The most notable of these companies is New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-Venture: NFG) (NYSE American: NFGC), which has made several high-grade gold discoveries in the past few years. In 2021, the company announced the discovery of the Queensway deposit, which is developing as a world class discovery, with new high-grade intercepts being reported almost weekly.

Other companies active in Newfoundland's gold rush include Marathon Gold Corp. (TSX: MOZ) (OTCQX: MGDPF), Exploits Discovery Corp (CSE: NFLD) (OTCQX: NFLDF), and Gander Gold Corp. (CSE: GAND) (OTCQB: GANDF)

Marathon Gold is advancing its Valentine Gold Project located in the central region of Newfoundland and Labrador. Valentine has estimated Proven Mineral Reserves of 1.43 million ounces (Moz) and Probable Mineral Reserves of 1.27 Moz. When known resources are added to these reserves, Marathon Gold is building a project with nearly 5 million ounces of gold, with additional exploration potential ahead.  Exploits Discovery is focused on discovering high-grade structurally hosted epizonal gold similar to New Found Gold's success along the Appleton Fault zone and parallel structures within the Exploits Subzone, as is Labrador Gold.

The All Newfoundland Gold Company

Gander Gold is proud to be "All Newfoundland, All the Time,” as it is 100 percent locked-in on its bevy of projects in the gold-bearing province. The company is one of the island's largest claimholders targeting new high-grade gold discoveries with a current focus on the large Gander North, Mount Peyton, and BLT (Botwood-Laurenceton-Thwart Island) projects where there has been very promising early exploration success. Other opportunities advancing through the pipeline are Cape Ray II, Carmanville, Gander South, Little River, and Hermitage.

All told, Gander Gold’s portfolio covers 2,259 square kilometers of highly prospective land. Most of the property has only experienced small amounts of exploration and certainly has not been systematically explored utilizing modern technologies with support from some of the biggest names in the mining industry, as is happening with Gander Gold.

Sprott, Ryan, Headline An All Star Cast

In Major League Baseball, names like Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken, Jr. are names that everyone knows. The same goes for Messi, Pele, and Ronaldo in soccer. In mining, Eric Sprott and Shawn Ryan are household names. Sprott is a legendary billionaire investor who cemented his name in resources when he advised people to buy gold for years ahead of and during the Great Recession before the precious metal shot to all-time highs. He parlayed his profits into more wealth through diversified investments in gold companies he likes. Gander Gold caught Sprott’s attention, resulting in him and a select group of key stakeholders now owning over 66% of Gander stock.

Shawn Ryan is regarded by many as the greatest Canadian prospector of all time. Ryan is a legend of nearly mythical proportion, developing an unorthodox system for gold discovery on his own that has led to unprecedented gold discoveries. His system involves an extensive soil sampling program and machines he built on his own, a system that has made him a millionaire many times over. Thing is, his thirst for finding mineralization is unquenchable. It is a passion that led him to found RyanWood Exploration, which matured into GroundTruth Exploration, one of the most highly sought mineral exploration companies in Canada.

GroundTruth, now led by Isaac Fage, is recognized as an industry leader in developing and executing on technologically advanced methods to better find, test, and define drill targets. GroundTruth has been contracted and spearheads the exploration of Gander Gold’s projects.

Other team standouts that cannot go overlooked are Ian Fraser, VP of Exploration, and Mark Scott, CEO of Gander Gold. Fraser fits in perfectly to the Ryan discovery scheme as an expert in geological models and structural settings with more than three decades as an exploration geologist. He has been directly involved in the discovery of six gold deposits in North and South America with three of those having gone into production.

This All-Star exploration squad is led by CEO Mark Scott, who was at the helm when the company went public in 2022. Scott adds rare senior executive-level mining experience to this exploration all-star squad, having been Head of Manitoba Nickel Operations for Vale Canada through 2018, managing a combined annual OPEX and CAPEX budget of greater than $500 million (USD) including a workforce of approximately 1,875. Mark has more than 25 years of experience in all phases of surface and underground mining, metallurgical processing.

District-Scale Potential

2,259 square kilometers is about 3.5x the size of the city of Toronto. Each of Gander Gold’s projects are considered to have district-scale potential based upon what is known to date about the property’s characteristics. For the sake of brevity, we’ll cover four that are actively being advanced at the moment.

Gander North Project

Gander North is in the heart of the Gander Gold Belt highlighted by New Found Gold’s spectacular Keats Zone discovery (25.6 meters grading a whopping 146.2 grams per tonne gold) and other developing high-grade zones littered with impressive gold intercepts, starting approximately 15 kilometers west of Gander North.  

Gander Gold’s seasoned team is highly encouraged by exciting early success at its 485 sq. km Gander North Project where extensive gold-in-soil anomalies are coincident with favorable geophysical structures across a 25-kilometer-long east-northeast trend that is theorized to potentially host Newfoundland’s next high-grade discovery. This is a blue-sky greenfield opportunity, as no drilling has ever been conducted at Gander North. Helping pinpoint targets, over 12,000 soil samples were collected since 2021 across this project, showing multiple anomalous trends and values up to 1,432 ppb (parts per billion) gold (Au) – very high in the context of Newfoundland gold exploration.

Earlier this month, Gander Gold announced that drill crews and associated geotechnical staff completed 28 Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drill holes (1,632 meters) at Gander North as part of an exploration program designed to prioritize the most prospective areas for initial diamond drilling. Soil geochemistry, geologic mapping, prospecting, LiDAR, and airborne MAG/VLF surveys, plus inversion modeling derived from ground VLF-EM surveys across specific interpreted structures were used to generate RAB drill targets.

11 holes (663m) were completed in the Viking and Jonathan's Third Pond target areas and 17 RAB holes were completed across additional target areas to the east. Only 5 of Gander North’s 14 known target zones have been RAB drill tested in this Phase I program, so multiple (at least 9) untested target areas remain for a further phase of RAB drill testing and/or diamond drilling.

Mt. Peyton Project

At the 956 sq. km Mt. Peyton Project, strategically located in between the Keats Zone discovery to the east and Sokoman Minerals’ (TSX-Venture: SIC) (OTCQB: SICNF) Moosehead Project to the west, Gander Gold has identified two major zones of interest (Goldenrod and Golden Horseshoe). Gander Gold has carried out more work on the large Mount Peyton Project than any other company in Newfoundland exploration history, completing over 13,000 soil samples, airborne geophysical surveys (MAG-VLF, LiDAR), and structural analysis. Results to date are extremely encouraging, significantly elevating Mount Peyton's prospectivity within Gander's pipeline of eight separate projects. 

In May, work expanded the Golden Horseshoe Zone in the southwest corner of the property, while also revealing an emerging target area in the southeast. These areas have investors excited about upcoming drilling, which is planned to commence by the end of the year, marking the first time every drill bit has penetrated the ground.

Mt. Peyton is made up of a granite intrusive surrounded by gabbro and borders a significant portion of the Newfound Gold Queensway Project.  It is conceivable given the location of the property relative to recent gold discoveries within the Gander Gold Belt that the granite intrusive is a possible heat engine which provided an impetus for gold to remobilize in deep-rooted favorable structures.

BLT Project

At the BLT Project, first-ever soil samples on Thwart Island outlined what’s being called the Islander Zone currently measuring 1,400 m x 400 m (open for expansion) with soils assaying as high as an astounding 5.94 g/t Au (5,939.5 ppb). Gold-in-soils at Islander are coincident with very anomalous arsenic-in-soils consistently present across the interpreted strike of the Islander Zone.

This month, Gander Gold completed its maiden RAB drilling program at Thwart Island, which is located in the Bay of Exploits and part of Gander's BLT Project. Gander CEO Mark Scott summed-up the results in saying, “Our Preliminary Thwart Island exploration program has produced very promising soil geochemistry results, including at nearly 6 grams per tonne, the highest-grade gold-in-soil results generated from the nearly 40,000 samples we've collected in Newfoundland.” As the assay results trickle in, it is expected that near-surface gold will be targets for a new drill program.

Cape Ray II

Cape Ray II is contiguous to one of the highest-grade series of deposits in the world for open-pit mining - Matador Mining’s advanced Cape Ray Project on the southwest part of the island, a nearly one million resource that continues to grow.

Gander’s Cape Ray II occupies deformation zones between two significant tectonic structures, the Long Range/Cabot Fault to the west and the Cape Ray/Valentine Fault to the east which also hosts Marathon Gold's (TSX: MOZ) (OTCQX: MGDPF) multi-million-ounce deposit with initial production planned for 2025. Nearly 4,500 soil samples, geophysical surveys and detailed structural interpretation at Cape Ray II have outlined three large areas of interest, including Doughball Jog considered very prospective for high-grade gold mineralization that may have accumulated in deformation zones.

To get a succinct overview of all the company’s projects and the execution strategy to build value, watch CEO Mark Scott’s September 21, 2023, 4pm ET interactive webinar. This live recorded event includes a Q+A session and can be accessed here:

Follow the Experts

There is a good reason that investors track and mimic the portfolio of icons such as Warren Buffet and Eric Sprott. The track record speaks for itself. For Gander Gold, the combination of Sprott and Ryan is particularly compelling. Can you imagine what the conversations around the conference table with those two legends leading the conversation are like? To have them both dialed-in on Gander Gold as a first mover in Newfoundland says something could be special about this little $0.10 per share ($8.8 million market cap) company.

The gold market is highly favorable for continued appreciation. It is a precious metal that has been valued for centuries. It is considered to be a safe haven asset, meaning that it is often bought when investors are worried about the economy, inflation, or geopolitical uncertainty, topics that are all over the news today. Gold is also a limited resource, which means that its supply cannot be easily increased.

The drill bit is in the ground and Ryan is providing his expert guidance in a bid for his latest and greatest discovery. The potential rewards are significant, and Newfoundland is well-positioned to become a major gold producer in the years to come, meaning investors of all types should be paying close attention to each and every development in the province’s mining sector.

About Media, Inc., founded in 1999, is one of North America’s largest and most comprehensive small-cap / penny stock financial portals. With Canadian and U.S. focused penny stock features and content, the site offers information for novice investors to expert traders. Outside of the countless free content available to visitors, Pro (premium service) caters to traders looking for that trading edge by offering monthly stock picks, daily penny stock to watch trade ideas, market commentary and more.

As a result of its commitment to journalistic excellence and abundance of information in a particular area of equity investing (micro-cap investing) where there aren’t many credible sources of information, continues to have one of the largest audiences of micro-cap investors on the internet.

Corporate Snapshot:
Gander Gold Corp.
Stock Symbol: GAND
Stock Exchange: CSE
Sector: Natural Resources
52 Week High: $0.3800
52 Week Low: $0.0800

Current Stock Quote / Chart / News: Click here

Information as of September 20, 2023

Gander Gold Corp.

First there was Colwood in 1858. Then Cariboo followed by arguably the most famous of all, Klondike. Over the next four decades, Canada had at least four more significant gold rushes, all on the western side of the country. In the early twentieth century, discoveries spurred rushes moving east, including Red Lake in Ontario that lasted 70+ years through 1998. Canada’s next great rush is just getting underway, and it has the potential to be the biggest yet.

The location? Newfoundland. And just like thousands of miners looking to strike it rich flooded the other regions, a land grab is underway in the province, with some companies already securing prime property and starting to prove up resources in one of the top mining jurisdictions in the world.

The most notable of these companies is New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-Venture: NFG) (NYSE American: NFGC), which has made several high-grade gold discoveries in the past few years. In 2021, the company announced the discovery of the Queensway deposit, which is developing as a world class discovery, with new high-grade intercepts being reported almost weekly.

Other companies active in Newfoundland's gold rush include Marathon Gold Corp. (TSX: MOZ) (OTCQX: MGDPF), Exploits Discovery Corp (CSE: NFLD) (OTCQX: NFLDF), and Gander Gold Corp. (CSE: GAND) (OTCQB: GANDF)

Marathon Gold is advancing its Valentine Gold Project located in the central region of Newfoundland and Labrador. Valentine has estimated Proven Mineral Reserves of 1.43 million ounces (Moz) and Probable Mineral Reserves of 1.27 Moz. When known resources are added to these reserves, Marathon Gold is building a project with nearly 5 million ounces of gold, with additional exploration potential ahead.  Exploits Discovery is focused on discovering high-grade structurally hosted epizonal gold similar to New Found Gold's success along the Appleton Fault zone and parallel structures within the Exploits Subzone, as is Labrador Gold.

The All Newfoundland Gold Company

Gander Gold is proud to be "All Newfoundland, All the Time,” as it is 100 percent locked-in on its bevy of projects in the gold-bearing province. The company is one of the island's largest claimholders targeting new high-grade gold discoveries with a current focus on the large Gander North, Mount Peyton, and BLT (Botwood-Laurenceton-Thwart Island) projects where there has been very promising early exploration success. Other opportunities advancing through the pipeline are Cape Ray II, Carmanville, Gander South, Little River, and Hermitage.

All told, Gander Gold’s portfolio covers 2,259 square kilometers of highly prospective land. Most of the property has only experienced small amounts of exploration and certainly has not been systematically explored utilizing modern technologies with support from some of the biggest names in the mining industry, as is happening with Gander Gold.

Sprott, Ryan, Headline An All Star Cast

In Major League Baseball, names like Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken, Jr. are names that everyone knows. The same goes for Messi, Pele, and Ronaldo in soccer. In mining, Eric Sprott and Shawn Ryan are household names. Sprott is a legendary billionaire investor who cemented his name in resources when he advised people to buy gold for years ahead of and during the Great Recession before the precious metal shot to all-time highs. He parlayed his profits into more wealth through diversified investments in gold companies he likes. Gander Gold caught Sprott’s attention, resulting in him and a select group of key stakeholders now owning over 66% of Gander stock.

Shawn Ryan is regarded by many as the greatest Canadian prospector of all time. Ryan is a legend of nearly mythical proportion, developing an unorthodox system for gold discovery on his own that has led to unprecedented gold discoveries. His system involves an extensive soil sampling program and machines he built on his own, a system that has made him a millionaire many times over. Thing is, his thirst for finding mineralization is unquenchable. It is a passion that led him to found RyanWood Exploration, which matured into GroundTruth Exploration, one of the most highly sought mineral exploration companies in Canada.

GroundTruth, now led by Isaac Fage, is recognized as an industry leader in developing and executing on technologically advanced methods to better find, test, and define drill targets. GroundTruth has been contracted and spearheads the exploration of Gander Gold’s projects.

Other team standouts that cannot go overlooked are Ian Fraser, VP of Exploration, and Mark Scott, CEO of Gander Gold. Fraser fits in perfectly to the Ryan discovery scheme as an expert in geological models and structural settings with more than three decades as an exploration geologist. He has been directly involved in the discovery of six gold deposits in North and South America with three of those having gone into production.

This All-Star exploration squad is led by CEO Mark Scott, who was at the helm when the company went public in 2022. Scott adds rare senior executive-level mining experience to this exploration all-star squad, having been Head of Manitoba Nickel Operations for Vale Canada through 2018, managing a combined annual OPEX and CAPEX budget of greater than $500 million (USD) including a workforce of approximately 1,875. Mark has more than 25 years of experience in all phases of surface and underground mining, metallurgical processing.

District-Scale Potential

2,259 square kilometers is about 3.5x the size of the city of Toronto. Each of Gander Gold’s projects are considered to have district-scale potential based upon what is known to date about the property’s characteristics. For the sake of brevity, we’ll cover four that are actively being advanced at the moment.

Gander North Project

Gander North is in the heart of the Gander Gold Belt highlighted by New Found Gold’s spectacular Keats Zone discovery (25.6 meters grading a whopping 146.2 grams per tonne gold) and other developing high-grade zones littered with impressive gold intercepts, starting approximately 15 kilometers west of Gander North.  

Gander Gold’s seasoned team is highly encouraged by exciting early success at its 485 sq. km Gander North Project where extensive gold-in-soil anomalies are coincident with favorable geophysical structures across a 25-kilometer-long east-northeast trend that is theorized to potentially host Newfoundland’s next high-grade discovery. This is a blue-sky greenfield opportunity, as no drilling has ever been conducted at Gander North. Helping pinpoint targets, over 12,000 soil samples were collected since 2021 across this project, showing multiple anomalous trends and values up to 1,432 ppb (parts per billion) gold (Au) – very high in the context of Newfoundland gold exploration.

Earlier this month, Gander Gold announced that drill crews and associated geotechnical staff completed 28 Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drill holes (1,632 meters) at Gander North as part of an exploration program designed to prioritize the most prospective areas for initial diamond drilling. Soil geochemistry, geologic mapping, prospecting, LiDAR, and airborne MAG/VLF surveys, plus inversion modeling derived from ground VLF-EM surveys across specific interpreted structures were used to generate RAB drill targets.

11 holes (663m) were completed in the Viking and Jonathan's Third Pond target areas and 17 RAB holes were completed across additional target areas to the east. Only 5 of Gander North’s 14 known target zones have been RAB drill tested in this Phase I program, so multiple (at least 9) untested target areas remain for a further phase of RAB drill testing and/or diamond drilling.

Mt. Peyton Project

At the 956 sq. km Mt. Peyton Project, strategically located in between the Keats Zone discovery to the east and Sokoman Minerals’ (TSX-Venture: SIC) (OTCQB: SICNF) Moosehead Project to the west, Gander Gold has identified two major zones of interest (Goldenrod and Golden Horseshoe). Gander Gold has carried out more work on the large Mount Peyton Project than any other company in Newfoundland exploration history, completing over 13,000 soil samples, airborne geophysical surveys (MAG-VLF, LiDAR), and structural analysis. Results to date are extremely encouraging, significantly elevating Mount Peyton's prospectivity within Gander's pipeline of eight separate projects. 

In May, work expanded the Golden Horseshoe Zone in the southwest corner of the property, while also revealing an emerging target area in the southeast. These areas have investors excited about upcoming drilling, which is planned to commence by the end of the year, marking the first time every drill bit has penetrated the ground.

Mt. Peyton is made up of a granite intrusive surrounded by gabbro and borders a significant portion of the Newfound Gold Queensway Project.  It is conceivable given the location of the property relative to recent gold discoveries within the Gander Gold Belt that the granite intrusive is a possible heat engine which provided an impetus for gold to remobilize in deep-rooted favorable structures.

BLT Project

At the BLT Project, first-ever soil samples on Thwart Island outlined what’s being called the Islander Zone currently measuring 1,400 m x 400 m (open for expansion) with soils assaying as high as an astounding 5.94 g/t Au (5,939.5 ppb). Gold-in-soils at Islander are coincident with very anomalous arsenic-in-soils consistently present across the interpreted strike of the Islander Zone.

This month, Gander Gold completed its maiden RAB drilling program at Thwart Island, which is located in the Bay of Exploits and part of Gander's BLT Project. Gander CEO Mark Scott summed-up the results in saying, “Our Preliminary Thwart Island exploration program has produced very promising soil geochemistry results, including at nearly 6 grams per tonne, the highest-grade gold-in-soil results generated from the nearly 40,000 samples we've collected in Newfoundland.” As the assay results trickle in, it is expected that near-surface gold will be targets for a new drill program.

Cape Ray II

Cape Ray II is contiguous to one of the highest-grade series of deposits in the world for open-pit mining - Matador Mining’s advanced Cape Ray Project on the southwest part of the island, a nearly one million resource that continues to grow.

Gander’s Cape Ray II occupies deformation zones between two significant tectonic structures, the Long Range/Cabot Fault to the west and the Cape Ray/Valentine Fault to the east which also hosts Marathon Gold's (TSX: MOZ) (OTCQX: MGDPF) multi-million-ounce deposit with initial production planned for 2025. Nearly 4,500 soil samples, geophysical surveys and detailed structural interpretation at Cape Ray II have outlined three large areas of interest, including Doughball Jog considered very prospective for high-grade gold mineralization that may have accumulated in deformation zones.

To get a succinct overview of all the company’s projects and the execution strategy to build value, watch CEO Mark Scott’s September 21, 2023, 4pm ET interactive webinar. This live recorded event includes a Q+A session and can be accessed here:

Follow the Experts

There is a good reason that investors track and mimic the portfolio of icons such as Warren Buffet and Eric Sprott. The track record speaks for itself. For Gander Gold, the combination of Sprott and Ryan is particularly compelling. Can you imagine what the conversations around the conference table with those two legends leading the conversation are like? To have them both dialed-in on Gander Gold as a first mover in Newfoundland says something could be special about this little $0.10 per share ($8.8 million market cap) company.

The gold market is highly favorable for continued appreciation. It is a precious metal that has been valued for centuries. It is considered to be a safe haven asset, meaning that it is often bought when investors are worried about the economy, inflation, or geopolitical uncertainty, topics that are all over the news today. Gold is also a limited resource, which means that its supply cannot be easily increased.

The drill bit is in the ground and Ryan is providing his expert guidance in a bid for his latest and greatest discovery. The potential rewards are significant, and Newfoundland is well-positioned to become a major gold producer in the years to come, meaning investors of all types should be paying close attention to each and every development in the province’s mining sector.

About Media, Inc., founded in 1999, is one of North America’s largest and most comprehensive small-cap / penny stock financial portals. With Canadian and U.S. focused penny stock features and content, the site offers information for novice investors to expert traders. Outside of the countless free content available to visitors, Pro (premium service) caters to traders looking for that trading edge by offering monthly stock picks, daily penny stock to watch trade ideas, market commentary and more.

As a result of its commitment to journalistic excellence and abundance of information in a particular area of equity investing (micro-cap investing) where there aren’t many credible sources of information, continues to have one of the largest audiences of micro-cap investors on the internet.

Forward Looking Statements

This report includes forward-looking statements that reflect current expectations about its future results, performance, prospects and opportunities. Gander Gold Corp. has tried to identify these forward-looking statements by using words and phrases such as "may," "will," "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "plan," "should," "typical," "preliminary," "we are confident" or similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause Gander Gold Corp.'s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without limitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements, and specifically, the Company's growth prospects with scalable customers, and those outlined above. Other risks include the Company's limited operating history, the Company's history of operating losses, consumers' acceptance, the Company's use of licensed technologies, risk of increased competition, the potential need for additional financing, the terms and conditions of any financing that is consummated, the limited trading market for the Company's securities, the possible volatility of the Company's stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potential fluctuation in the Company's operating results.

Disclaimer feature stock reports are intended to be stock ideas, NOT recommendations. Please do your own research before investing. It is crucial that you at least look at current SEC filings and read the latest press releases. Information contained in this report was extracted from current documents filed with the SEC, the company web site and other publicly available sources deemed reliable. For more information see our disclaimer section, a link of which can be found on our web site. This document contains forward-looking statements, particularly as related to the business plans of the Company, within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results may differ materially from the Company's expectations and estimates. This is an advertisement for Gander Gold Corp. The purpose of this advertisement, like any advertising, is to provide coverage and awareness for the company. The information provided in this advertisement is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country.

© Media, Inc. All rights reserved. is not a Registered Broker/Dealer or Financial Advisor, nor do we hold ourselves out to be. All materials presented on our web site and individual reports released to the public through this web site, e-mail or any other means of transmission are not to be regarded as investment advice and are only for informative purposes. Before making a purchase or sale of any securities featured on our web site or mentioned in our reports, we strongly encourage and recommend consultation with a registered securities representative. This is not to be construed as a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell securities. As with any stock, companies we select to profile involve a degree of investment risk and volatility. Particularly Small-Caps and OTC-BB stocks. All investors are cautioned that they may lose all or a portion of their investment if they decide to make a purchase in any of our profiled companies. Past performance of our profiled stocks is not indicative of future results. The accuracy or completeness of the information on our web site or within our reports is only as reliable as the sources they were obtained from. The profile and opinions expressed herein are expressed as of the date the profile is posted on site and are subject to change without notice. No investor should assume that reliance on the views; opinions or recommendations contained herein will produce profitable results. may hold positions in securities mentioned herein, and may make purchases or sales in such securities featured on our web site or within our reports. In order to be in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), will disclose in its disclaimer, what, if any compensation was received for our efforts in researching, presenting and disseminating this information to our subscriber database and featuring the report on the web site. has been compensated seventy-six thousand dollars by a third-party for its efforts in presenting the GAND profile on its web site and distributing it to its database of subscribers as well as other services. may decide to purchase or sell shares on a voluntary basis in the open market before, during or after the profiling period of this report. Information presented on our web site and within our reports contain "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as "expects", "will," "anticipates," "estimates, "believes," or that by statements indicating certain actions "may," "could," or "might" occur. THE READER SHOULD VERIFY ALL CLAIMS AND DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY SECURITIES MENTIONED. INVESTING IN SMALL CAP SECURITIES IS SPECULATIVE AND CARRIES A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK.

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